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Boards 📨

<aside> 📨 Track your Slides in Boards 📨 & easily create new table views!


Slides is essentially a sprint board that can also be used for planning, taking notes, blogging and any other dynamic types of trackable issues. Using Notion templating to create different types of table views.

Build #0.1.4

How to use Slides

[jtr.dev blog](https://jtr-dev.notion.site/jtr-dev-blog-731a77985d124d898f41ee36502f48ff)

🎭 Easily Categorize

⏳ Track Sliding Sprints

The @Patience property provides the ability to set a deadline for a task similar to Story Points, but also provides a Sliding Deadline for ongoing maintenance and support of a given issue.

How often have you found yourself revisiting completed issues?

I wanted to create a reward based system for this. Nothing is and ever should be considered set in stone with rapidly changing requirements, especially in technology and entropy in general.

A completed task is just a milestone in issue tracking. This allows for an ever growing point based reward for particularly trickier issues that haven’t been worked on in months or years, and a negative cost for rushing high value issues.